Pakistan begins to bury 74 killed in blast

Pakistan begins to bury 74 killed in blast

Pakistan, killed 74, as in most lawyers, began burying the dead in an attack on a hospital in the southwestern city of Quetta lawyers nationwide strike and militant increase pressure on the government to do more against militants What is it.
The medical staff were killed Monday in a bomb attack at a hospital killed 60 lawyers who had gathered for the Baluchistan Bar Association, Bilal Anwar Kasi mourn the day before the President.
Tuesday morning, four injured, including two lawyers to more than a hundred people died, taking the toll to 74 in the hospital, Abdul Rahman, medical superintendent of the Civil Hospital in Quetta, capital of Baluchistan province said.
As the government has declared three days of mourning, shops, businesses, schools and universities were closed in the city and beyond.
It was the latest in a series of attacks on the state and some militants this year in Pakistan deadliest militant attack seen by the government as an extension of legitimate goals and lawyers.
A day after the Civil Hospital in Quetta stained walls and floors, windows were smashed and blood attack.
Victim lawyers tore to shreds the full suit of black cloth.
Rahman said he had asked the hospital last year, paramilitary troops to be deployed there for security.
At the funeral of a lawyer on the outskirts of Quetta, the world's leading prayers chanted: "All terrorists are the true justice that can meet this heinous attack."

In the capital to protest outside the Supreme Court in Islamabad, attributes Ashtar Ali, Pakistan's Attorney General, "weak and pathetic" and called the attack invaders.
President of Supreme Court Bar Ali called on the government to do more to protect Zafar lawyers.
Fighting to overthrow initially Rahman Ahrar party, government and impose strict Islamic law in Quetta bombing that was claimed by a faction of the Pakistani Taliban.
Later, however, the Islamic State in Pakistan to attack the fighters, group, or to increase the capacity of its regional branches, attack.
Some Pakistani analysts were skeptical.
"ISIS claim seems too incredible," Imtiaz Gul, director of the Center for Islamic Research and Studies in Security said.
"Rahman Ahrar party liability claims by more reliable," Mohammad Amir Rana, head of the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies, said.
He noted that the party had sworn allegiance to the Middle East led the state in 2014, but later turn back the Taliban.
It remains unclear if any, Islamic state, which leads to true Islam is a rival of the Taliban and al-Qaeda over claims to represent Islam relations.
Just last week, the trigger sanctions, was added to the US list of international terrorists.
Baluchistan bordering Afghanistan border, is home to many militant groups, the most important communal organizations have launched suicide bombings and ethnic Hazara killing campaign - most migrated to the Persian-speaking Shia Afghanistan to a small minority of Pakistan's majority Sunni population ITE PM.
Afridi appearance, the police officer leading the investigation, said: "Most sympathizers in the presence of the (Islamic state) in Balochistan, is limited not to die."
Pakistan blast kills begins to bury 74 as originally published

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