Donald Trump in the White House? Canadians are increasingly worried about it

Donald Trump in the White House? Canadians are increasingly worried about it

A new survey of Canadians say that about four out of every five Canadians with a Trump White House would be bad for Canada, shows are becoming increasingly concerned about the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency.

Insights said last week in a survey conducted by the West, 79 percent of respondents are concerned about the possibility of becoming very "or" moderately concerned "the Republican candidate for US president."
In contrast, only 42 percent said the same about his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. In addition, there was little serious concerns about the Clinton presidency. Compared to just 20 percent who felt that way about a trump to win 65 per cent were "very concerned".

The mass of Canadians believe Mr. Donald Trump would be bad for Canada. The fully 78 percent a Trump presidency of respondents "bad" or "very bad" Canada, Insights west soon Donald Trump Republican nomination add 16 points when you get to enter the race for a year after the question will be the first. Only 13% of respondents thought it would be good for President Trump Canada.

While about the Democratic candidate would mean for Canada is no less worrying now given the choice between (and both will be out to Clinton Canadian landslide), former first lady opinions on Home and Foreign Minister still divided. I thought half, or under 47 percent, of those polled, a victory by Clinton would be good for the country, while 37 per cent thought it would be bad for Canada.

Accordingly, the Canadian media is not giving too much coverage to the vote. The majority are the right amount of attention from the press, television and radio campaign that - or not enough.

The focus will be tested, however, the span. American presidency
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